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Say hello to the new Tempo! Roadmunk is now Strategic Roadmaps.   Learn More

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The roadmapping tool designed for high-performing teams.
Capture customer feedback. Prioritize what to build next. And use boardroom-ready roadmaps to communicate your strategy. 

Join the thousands of product teams already using Roadmunk

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Build your first roadmap in minutes

For everything you need to know about product roadmapping, read our “Product Roadmap Guide”, choc full of info on planning, building, presenting and more! Then see how easily you can get started with this quick 3 minute video, or check out this simple walk-through PDF tutorial.

Present a boardroom-ready roadmap

Promote a product idea to your roadmap and commit to making it happen. Communicate your strategy using Roadmunk’s simple and powerful roadmapping features:

  • Choose between a timeline or swimlane visualization
  • Create multiple roadmap views from one data set
  • Export shareable, crystal-clear roadmaps to URL, PNG and HTML
Discover roadmapping features
roadmunk timeline roadmap
list of product ideas with one idea selected

Prioritize what to build next

Use collected feedback to create product ideas rooted in real user needs. Then, choose from two built-in prioritization templates or create your own weighted scoring framework to surface high-impact ideas:

  • Value vs. effort
  • R.I.C.E. (reach, impact, confidence and effort)
Check out idea prioritization

Capture customer feedback

Manage your users’ feedback in one organized place - your Feedback Inbox. Allow customers or customer facing teams to submit feedback directly into your inbox by creating a Feedback Portal for each of your product areas.

Explore feedback collection
roadmunk feedback portal
puzzle piece with roadmunk logo fitting into three other puzzle pieces

Need a custom integration?
Use the Roadmunk API.

Develop integrations with the tools your team relies on for roadmap planning and execution. The Roadmunk API is enabled across roadmaps, as well as the feedback and idea management suite.

Learn more

Time to level up your skills

You have a strategy you need to communicate. We have the knowledge to help you get there. Check out our Resource Center for guides on roadmapping and product management.

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